

Confessions of a Graphic Design Nerd

The truth...I lovvvvvve creative advertising. Love it I say! Today I found a sight that feeds my graphic design nerd heart...Ads of the World On the right sidebar of this blog... the one you are reading... there is a section called "Happening Elsewhere" This is a sampling of images being uploaded to other Blogger blogs. As I was admiring my blog (blush) I saw an image there that caught my eye. A click took me to Greed: The deadliest sin which has some amazing examples of creative ad concept and beautiful graphic design. Listed under the links section was "Ads of the World". I clicked and fell in love :) I have worked in small town newspaper graphic design for eons. Love the people but they always want to put enough text to fill a full sheet of printer paper into a spot the size of a business card...oh and can you make my logo bigger and add red burst with yellow text ewww :( How I long to be allowed to create the kind of beauty that comes with a single eye-catching photo or piece of graphic art coupled with relevant unobtrusive text and a logo kept in perspective... I'm so jealous :) I think this site is going to keep me occupied for awhile. Its like an art museum to me.


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