

Save Money Because Some People Fail to Proof-read

Thousands of items on eBay expire with no bids simply because their posters failed to proofread their listing or simply don't take the time to check the proper spelling of the item and therefore do not show up in search results. That's where Fat Fingers can help you. Type in what you are looking for and it will give you eBay results with a large list of misspellings. Example: I searched "Hermes" the extremely expensive designer brand. The result: 75 items found for: (hernes, jermes, germes, hermed, hermea, hermrs, hrrmes, hermws, hwrmes, hermez, hermee, hermms, herres, heemes, hhrmes, hermess, hermees, hermmes, herrmes,heermes, hhermes, herm es, her mes, he rmes, h ermes, hermse, herems, hemres, hremes, ehrmes, herme, herms, heres, hemes, hrmes, ermes) Of course not all of those were actual "Hermes" but 10 were and of those 10 none had a bid.


Tidbits Of Tammy said...

This is cool! Thanks for the tip. I am heading over to check it out.

Jack Payne said...

Good tip on Fat Fingers. I was completely unaware of this.

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