

Learn, Teach and Make New Friends

Want to learn a new language, study for a test or help your kids learn? Check out Flashcard Friends . This is such a cool site! You search for a topic or click on one from the tag cloud and then choose a batch of flashcards from the list. Several ways to view the flashcards are available depending on your preferences. You can also select only the flashcards you are having trouble with so you can focus on them. After you are done studying your flashcards you can take a test. Several different testing preferences are also available to choose from. If you have knowledge to share or need to study information that you can't find on Flashcard Friends, you can create your own sets of flashcards. Images can even be placed on the flashcards. As most new sites do, Flashcard Friends includes a social networking aspect. Flashcard Friends is a fantastic resource for adults and childen. There is a great video to help you learn the workings of the site.


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