

Old Fashioned Methods Meet Present Technology

Just found this great little idea! The Online Barter Club takes the age old method of bartering for products and services you want and integrates it with Twitter, one of the most popular and widely used social networking sites taking the web by storm. Since Twitter began, it has inspired many, many applications and partner sites. Twitter has sparked a whirlwind of creativity in many people. At the Online Barter Club you simply use the box provided to write a twitt (it says twitt...I thought it was a tweet...umm I don't know proper Twitter etiquette LOL) telling what you would like to trade for what. A search feature is included too. I see a lot of silly fun stuff such as trading a "stumble for a soul" or a "hello for a whazzup" but I think the Online Barter Club will be a valuable site in the Twitter community.


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