

I Am In Love...with ScribeFire

Wow! OMG!! Are you kidding me?!?!? How can it really be this AWESOME!!! Have you tried ScribeFire?!?!?! If you are a blogger and are not using ScribeFire...go there NOW and sign up! Okay, I know, I'm over the legal limit for exclamation points in one blog post but I'm just so excited. ScribeFire is a blog editor in the form of an extension of Firefox. ScribeFire allows bloggers to easily drag and drop formatted text from the Web into their blogs, create links, format text, add images, add videos and post entries to their blog without ever having to leave the page they are posting about. After installing ScribeFire you will see a small paper and pencil icon on the bottom of your browser window. When you click that icon it activates the ScribeFire window and basically gives you a split screen with ScribeFire at the bottom and the page you are blogging about at the top. I have seen some people state they have encountered minor issues when posting straight to their blog. I don't know about that because I prefer to post as a draft to blogger and then go in and upload my images so that they are hosted at blogger and formatted properly for my template. My ability to complete a post has increased at least 100% if not double that. ScribeFire is so feature rich and such a time saver. Loooooooove it!


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