Supermomof7....Mom to 7 kids, keeper of 8 pets, owner of 15 blogs and 7 Squidoo lenses...never a dull moment! While researching the net on how to earn money I came across this powerhouse of blogging. I orginally came across her blog getting-out-of-debt which inspired me to start my own blog. It has been a long dreary road through a dark forest trying to learn how to do all this stuff but finally... I have a look I like, I have a 3 column template which took forever to find, and I have my niche. My niche is kind of like the premise for's about nothing! :) A blog about nothing...whatever I find on the net that makes me laugh, cry, be inspired or adds ease to my life I will post here. I get lost on the net, starting with a specific google request and then something catches my eye and so it goes until I end up far from where I started but have found all kinds of net treasures. So thanks Supermomof7 for daring to make a living from the net and inspiring me to venture out on my own quest for blogging joy.
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