CaringBridge is another true goodie for life from the web. CaringBridge is a wonderful site that allows people or caregivers of people who are going through a critical illness, recovery or treatment to stay connected with their family and friends. CaringBridge is a quick and simple way to start a website that helps ease the burden of keeping family and friends informed. Patients and caregivers draw strength from loved ones’ messages of support. Each CaringBridge website includes a patient care journal for the patient or caregiver to blog updates on the latest progress, a guest book for messages from friends and family to the patient, a photo gallery and the ability to make donations. CaringBridge sites are available 24/7. Click here to see an example of a CaringBridge site. This little girl lives in the same town I do. Her and her father and two sisters were involved in an accident and she was the only one to survive.
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CaringBridge Connects Critically Ill Patients With Loved Ones
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You Might Be a Redneck If....
Redneck jokes are ALWAYS funny and BillyBob over at Redneck Laughs knows how to find the best examples of redneck living on the web. You will find plenty of redneck jokes, photos, recipes (ie: Possum Pancakes...ewww), news, videos, game and more with some great mullets thrown in too! If you have your own funny redneck material you can submit it too BillyBob to be added to Redneck Laughs and BillyBob will give you a linkback too. This is a great site to find some humor in life :)
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Working Mom's Deserve to Make Themselves a Priority
Well, that's what we've been told but how do we find time between diaper changes, scraped knees, dog poop on the shoes and the boss needing the report by deadline which is coming in 10 minutes? That is where powerhouse Quiana Murray comes in. Quiana is known as The Busy Momprenuers Coach, the Me Time Mentor & Creator of Busy Mom Resources. Her tagline says "Helping you be #1 on your to-do no time flat!" When you sign up at Quiana Murray you with get "63 Ways To Get More Me Time' and a subscription to her "Work It Mama!" Newsletter. Since subscribing and following Quiana on Twitter I have learned a lot of terrific info about how to get through my busy life without forgetting about myself. Quiana has created some great resources for working women/mothers. Check this site out today!
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What's Your Blog Rated?
OnePlusYou Quizzes and Widgets
I Am In Love...with ScribeFire
Wow! OMG!! Are you kidding me?!?!? How can it really be this AWESOME!!! Have you tried ScribeFire?!?!?! If you are a blogger and are not using ScribeFire...go there NOW and sign up! Okay, I know, I'm over the legal limit for exclamation points in one blog post but I'm just so excited. ScribeFire is a blog editor in the form of an extension of Firefox. ScribeFire allows bloggers to easily drag and drop formatted text from the Web into their blogs, create links, format text, add images, add videos and post entries to their blog without ever having to leave the page they are posting about. After installing ScribeFire you will see a small paper and pencil icon on the bottom of your browser window. When you click that icon it activates the ScribeFire window and basically gives you a split screen with ScribeFire at the bottom and the page you are blogging about at the top. I have seen some people state they have encountered minor issues when posting straight to their blog. I don't know about that because I prefer to post as a draft to blogger and then go in and upload my images so that they are hosted at blogger and formatted properly for my template. My ability to complete a post has increased at least 100% if not double that. ScribeFire is so feature rich and such a time saver. Loooooooove it!
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Bumper Stickers for Your Blog...Pimp That Ride :)
Created by OnePlusYou
and many more :)
Old Fashioned Methods Meet Present Technology
Just found this great little idea! The Online Barter Club takes the age old method of bartering for products and services you want and integrates it with Twitter, one of the most popular and widely used social networking sites taking the web by storm. Since Twitter began, it has inspired many, many applications and partner sites. Twitter has sparked a whirlwind of creativity in many people. At the Online Barter Club you simply use the box provided to write a twitt (it says twitt...I thought it was a tweet...umm I don't know proper Twitter etiquette LOL) telling what you would like to trade for what. A search feature is included too. I see a lot of silly fun stuff such as trading a "stumble for a soul" or a "hello for a whazzup" but I think the Online Barter Club will be a valuable site in the Twitter community.
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Sextuplets, Cardiac Arrest...and a Marathon?!
Here's a story to inspire you to give up your excuses and get off the couch... Jenny Masche is a beautiful young woman who a year ago gave birth to sextuplets, suffered cardiac arrest during delivery and nearly died. This year Jenny ran a marathon and completed it. Wow! Talk about bouncing back from being knocked down. Click the link to read the full story. Jenny Masche is a true inspiration!
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