Here's an odd but fun little goodie :) By registering at Piggy Prize you will receive your own piggy to feed (so ugly that its cute :) Then send your friends to visit your piggy at Piggy Prize with your link. Each visit feeds the piggy and who ever has the biggest piggy by June 15th wins $200. Other Piggy Prizes include 2nd place: $100, 3rd place: $50. 4th to 10th Places: will receive 1% of their visits in US dollars. For example: 1000 visits = $10. They cannot win more than $50. 11th to 20th Places:- will receive 5% bonus visits in the future contests. You can claim your money if you have at least $50. If you did not reach the amount of $50, your money will be kept and you can add to it in the next 3 contests. So please visit my piggy :) and help him grow, then get your own piggy and send your friends.
Feed My Piggy and Get One of Your Own to Win Money)
Tame that Childzilla...Old Fashioned Chore Charts with a Web Twist
I love the internet and the more things I can do electronically, the happier I am. The other day I found Childzilla, an online chore assignment, tracking and reward system. Childzilla is also a great tool for teaching behavior management and personal habits. Childzilla is completely interactive. Included is a point based reward system, a calendar function, customizable webpages for each child with kid-friendly games, daily comments field for parents, a “rewards store” and a rewards “wish list” for the kids. The Childzilla dashboard allows parents to assign chores, behaviors and personal habits, determine the amount of points per item, give extra points for extra effort, give encouraging messages, give demerits if necessary and more. I haven't tried Childzilla with my kids yet, since I just discovered it. It may be a little babyish for them since the 2 youngest are 12 and 14 but I think they'll have fun with it till I have money to try the Pay Jr. method (to be covered in a future post) which is more age appropriate for them. I would love to see Childzilla come out with a "Teenzilla" :)
Redefine the English Language to Get Links and Traffic
India Dictionary is a new site that allows to you search for a word in the English language and, if it is available, redefine it by linking your blog or website to it. India Dictionary is giving away the first 9999 words for FREE! After that, each word will cost $1. Each person is allowed 5 free words and then will pay $1 for each additional word. You can also have your word featured on the India Dictionary homepage for an additional $1. India Dictionary accepts payments through PayPal only at this time. As of the writing of this post, 107 words have been redefined. This is a really creative idea. Get your "words" now before all the good ones are taken.
Get Inspired to Lose by Reading About Others Who Have
I love to see before and after photos of people who have lost weight and read the stories of how they did it. Its very motivational. At
The Weigh We Were you can find loads of motivational stories with before and after pics. You will also find links to over 1000 weight loss blogs and you can add yours to the list. There are video stories too and a message board. Every person has a different story, a different eating plan, a different exercise plan proving that there is no perfect way for all of us. We each have to find our best individual weight loss plan. The pic here is of Maggie Sorrells who lost 300 lbs. She says... "Perseverance is most important. If you mess up, especially in the beginning you're going to slip. Don't say, "I'll start over Monday." Start over right now. The worst enemy is if you give up. What got me to the end, to losing 300 pounds, was persevering. On days I wanted to eat the whole bowl of something -- I had to talk myself through it. The truth was, I really wasn't hungry."
related goodies health, inspiration, weight loss
Create Your Own Personal Magazine Covers
Here is a fun website. At MagMyPic you upload your own photo and then choose from 23 different magazine cover templates that place type over the photo. In just seconds I made this magazine cover of my daughter who GRADUATED YESTERDAY!! Its quick, easy and great for blogs, MySpace, FaceBook etc. I do wish that you could personalize the text on the cover but its still a goodie.
She Graduated! I'm So Proud!!!!!
My daughter graduated yesterday!
I am so proud of her!
Its amazing how fast the years fly by. How can she be grown already?
related goodies milestones
EZGreatLife Giving Away 3000 Entrecard Credits
My blogging friend John over at EZGreatLife is running a great contest to give away 3000ec!! Click on over and enter this contest today and if you haven't before, check out his blog. I read it every day! John gives great advice on family, fitness and finances. He has loads of great ideas and some yummy healthy recipes too!
Contribute to Real Scientific Research by Playing a Game
By playing a computer game called Fold It YOU can seriously contribute to real scientific research in the areas of cancer, HIV, alzheimers, biofuel and more! Basically the game involves "folding" computer models of proteins. From the Fold It site:
The number of different ways even a small protein can fold is astronomical because there are so many degrees of freedom. Figuring out which of the many, many possible structures is the best one is regarded as one of the hardest problems in biology today and current methods take a lot of money and time, even for computers. Fold it attempts to predict the structure of a protein by taking advantage of humans' puzzle-solving intuitions and having people play competitively to fold the best proteins.Also beginning this summer Fold It will have a feature that allows users to design brand new proteins that could help prevent or treat important diseases!
Here are videos to explain the game. I have not gotten to play Fold It because although they provide both a mac and pc version, the mac version is 10.4 and I am at 10.3 Boooo! I think Fold It is a fascinating bit of technology. The more people we have working on these devastating diseases the better chance we have of finding cures.
Phone Your Phone So You Can Find Your Phone
Here's a very useful goodie for life from the web...PhoneMyPhone Simply enter your phone number, select the number of times to call, schedule the time to call and hit "Call Now". PhoneMyPhone will call your phone at the selected time. I just tried it and it comes up "Unknown". When you answer there is a recorded message explaining why you were called. PhoneMyPhone can be a very useful service. How many times have you had to have someone else call your phone for you so you could find it? Me? Too many times to count :) PhoneMyPhone is a great service for finding your phone, getting a wake-up call while traveling or if your alarm breaks or as the website says "escape boring meetings" and "end sucky dates" :)
related goodies cell phones
Informed Parental Guidance Suggested ;)
I believe it is very important to know what's in a movie before I let my kids watch it. You just can't tell by the rating system what might be portrayed in the movie. Once I rented a PG-13 rated movie and an R rated movie. The love scene in the PG-13 movie was shockingly graphic while the one in the R rated movie began with kissing and then cut away to another scene leaving the details out. Its very confusing and almost every movie made these days says it is rated for either: sexual material, sexual content, sexuality, sexual references, etc. which seems to have a different meaning in different movies. It could range from something as simple as innuendo to a make-out scene to some moaning heard in the background to graphic.... well, you know ;) I just discovered Kids-In-Mind! Kids-In-Mind is a wonderful site to help parents determine whether a movie is appropriate for their children to see by making an informed choice. Kids-In-Mind has reviews for an extensive selection of movies that have been rated according to SEX/NUDITY, VIOLENCE/GORE and PROFANITY on a scale of 0 to 10. Kids-In-Mind also explains in detail why a film rates high or low in a specific category, and they include instances of SUBSTANCE USE, a list of DISCUSSION TOPICS that may elicit questions from kids and MESSAGES the film conveys. Each section tells in detail exactly what kinds of things are portrayed in the movie. Kids-In-Mind is an important parenting resource in a day where even Disney can't hardly seem to make a G rated movie.
related goodies children, entertainment, movies, safety
Happy Mother's Day!
The moment a child is born, the mother is also born. She never existed before. The woman existed, but the mother, never. A mother is something absolutely new. ~ Rajneesh
related goodies mother's day
Thanks! Thanks! Thanks! Thanks! and Miscellaneous
1. Just a little shout-out to all who have taken the time to leave comments. I have tried to reply in the comments as I have seen others do but it doesn't post. Just wanted y'all to know I appreciate it so much.
2. I reorganized and decluttered. Hope it makes a more enjoyable viewing experience. Even I was feeling attacked by all the ads I had on here :)
3. My oldest daughter will be graduating (I'm sooo proud!!) from high school in 2 weeks so posting has been sporadic and will get more so between now and then. Just hang with me and I'll get back to my original intention of an AM post and a PM post each day. After its all done I'll be able to get some comments returned and visit my readers blogs more. Thanks again!
Learn, Teach and Make New Friends
Want to learn a new language, study for a test or help your kids learn? Check out Flashcard Friends . This is such a cool site! You search for a topic or click on one from the tag cloud and then choose a batch of flashcards from the list. Several ways to view the flashcards are available depending on your preferences. You can also select only the flashcards you are having trouble with so you can focus on them. After you are done studying your flashcards you can take a test. Several different testing preferences are also available to choose from. If you have knowledge to share or need to study information that you can't find on Flashcard Friends, you can create your own sets of flashcards. Images can even be placed on the flashcards. As most new sites do, Flashcard Friends includes a social networking aspect. Flashcard Friends is a fantastic resource for adults and childen. There is a great video to help you learn the workings of the site.
related goodies education, social networking, teaching
Chipping In Has Never Been Easier Than With ChipIn
ChipIn is a widget created from a simple Flash application that allows you set up an online method for others to donate to events or causes. The ChipIn widget can be used on any Web page and also works with Facebook, MySpace, Blogger, Wordpress, Typepad and more. If you don't have your own site or blog, ChipIn provides a page for you. The widget includes details such as the event or cause, how much is being raised, how much has been raised, what percentage of the total that is, how many have contributed and how much time is left. Payments can be made through credit card or PayPal and are deposited directly in the organizers PayPal account. Chip-In is a great resource for collecting money from many people for wedding, anniversary or graduation gifts, bill splitting, parties, reunions, charitable causes, medical expenses for people in need and many more reasons.
related goodies charity, fundraising, money related
Did You Know You Can Attend Church at Home?
Did you know you can attend church online? provides a unique online worship experience. The first page prompts you to choose a channel by choosing which musician you prefer to accompany your worship. The next page prompts you to sign in if you are a registered member or stay anonymous if you prefer to attend as a guest. You will then enter the lobby which shows a countdown to when church is going to begin. They offer one service Saturday evening, 3 on Sunday morning and one on Tuesday evening. Also in the lobby, on the left, is a "Mix & Mingle" button which takes you to a chat room to fellowship with others before service begins, much like to do in a church held in a building. On the right you will find a "Live Prayer" button to submit prayer requests. The "Experience" tab is where you will view the actual worship service. There is a space for taking notes. You see who is "sitting in your row" and can talk with them. You can invite others to join the experience. Once service starts, it is much like attending regular church: singing with lyrics provided, prayer, reading of bible passages, a great sermon and more. I found it to be a very satisfying and enjoyable church experience. I think its a terrific resource for people who are shut-ins or ill, people who have not found a church they want to attend, people who are traveling or for people who are curious about attending church.
related goodies religion, spirituality, worship
Save Money Because Some People Fail to Proof-read
Thousands of items on eBay expire with no bids simply because their posters failed to proofread their listing or simply don't take the time to check the proper spelling of the item and therefore do not show up in search results. That's where Fat Fingers can help you. Type in what you are looking for and it will give you eBay results with a large list of misspellings. Example: I searched "Hermes" the extremely expensive designer brand. The result: 75 items found for: (hernes, jermes, germes, hermed, hermea, hermrs, hrrmes, hermws, hwrmes, hermez, hermee, hermms, herres, heemes, hhrmes, hermess, hermees, hermmes, herrmes,heermes, hhermes, herm es, her mes, he rmes, h ermes, hermse, herems, hemres, hremes, ehrmes, herme, herms, heres, hemes, hrmes, ermes) Of course not all of those were actual "Hermes" but 10 were and of those 10 none had a bid.
Pandora's Jukebox...Only the Music You Love
If you love music check out Pandora I love this site. You tell it what kind of music you like or or choose a specific artist. Pandora then plays songs that they think you will like. You give it a thumbs up or down. There is also an option to say you're sick of a song and not to play it for a month. The sound quality is really good. I really like to have it playing when I'm blogging or surfing.
related goodies music
April Earnings Report...500+% Increase Over March ;)
Up to $1.28 for April for Adsense. Wheeee! Okay seriously, its not much but its better than zero. Its not going to pay any bills but its still fun to keep track. Now if I could just do a 500+% increase next month I might be getting somewhere...hmmmmm...... ;)
Related: March 08 Earnings Report
related goodies blogging, earnings report, make money online